Im a bad person

My fiance's ex got pregnant and wanted him to pay for the abortion. (No it's not his, it was her boyfriend's) so he said he would if he could cause at the moment he was just starting a new job(idk why he would help her other than he is a good person). She also wanted him to bring their son so she could see him and not be alone after the abortion. (Even though she is the one to kick her 3 year old son out and ship him off to his grandmas, my finances mom's, house. She won't let my fiance and I take him because she hates me.) So today he went up there(she lives in a different state) with his son (I didn't want either of them to go cause I feel like her kicking him out is her not wanting to be a mom anymore and that she lost all rights to him) he hasn't came back yet and is now getting roped into helping pay for her rent. Instead of the abortion. I told him to come back right after she took the pill or whatever. But he didn't. He is still there, with her, and helping her with the abortion. And I know I should feel sympathy for a woman going through that but I can't. She has caused way to much damage to me, my fiance,and that sweet kid. She chose to go through with it and as I saw it my fiance should have left the second she got out of the doctor's office. He doesn't owe her anything. I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her. I can't bring myself to understand that he should stay there to help her through that. I know that makes me a bad person but I don't know how I can force myself to feel any other way. If it was anybody else, even a stranger going through it, I feel so bad for them and I would want to help them to the best of my ability but I don't feel anything for her. If anything I feel like she deserves it. For all the shit that she has done. She deserves to feel pain and be sad and feel alone. I never have had an abortion but I know it's more to it then that. But for me it's just karma for her to go through it. She wanted me to abort my baby. She wanted me to leave my fiance. She tried everything in her power to make me feel worthless and alone and like I should basically give up on my life, my fiance and my son's life. She wanted me to feel pain and alone and sad and worthless and like I have no control over my life. She wanted me to think that she was better than me. And a couple of times she did. If it hadn't been that I was pregnant I wouldn't have been here today Because of how she made me feel. I felt so suicidal that I thought of the perfect way to do it. So I can't feel sorry for her. I want her to feel everything she made me feel and more. And I know that makes me a terrible person but I don't know what else to do. I'm sorry.