Total opposites sex wise: update

Help. My boyfriend and I are completely different in the bedroom. We love each other and our chemistry is fantastic. But when it comes to sex we are miles apart. He loves to experiment and do kinky stuff, whereas I’m the more reserved. I like it simple like missionary. He has just voiced his concern. I cannot help but feel like I will lose him and my confidence in that department has gone right down. It makes me feel like I don’t want sex and I’m too afraid not to attempt it as I feel like I need to be a porn Star now.

I wonder if my previous history and relationships are holding me back I don’t know or I’m just simply afraid in were I shouldn’t be...


I tried telling my partner how I felt this morning saying I have lost my confidence in that department and I don’t know how to approach him with even kisses and cuddles in case of upsetting him and not being sexy enough. He took as that, “I’m giving up” and ending it. So he left me in his truck with the feeling it has officially ended... he needs to understand that my self esteem has been broken and I need to take time in order to feel sexy around him again.


He has come home. Hasn’t said a word to me and has chosen to sleep in the guest room.