If my love life was turned into a movie

So one of my best friends the other day told me my love life could be next level to Fifty Shades. (Not in a sex way but the confusing romance way) so here it goes.

So it would open with a the average college sophomore... beautiful but doesn’t know it, talented but denies it, athletic and embraces it.

(Yes this meme is accurate because I indeed am a blackebelt in multiple forms of martial arts)

She meets a handsome, modest, baseball player is her Psych class. Tall, muscular, killer smile. Confusing personality and gives off way too many different signals.

But she’s drawn to him anyways.

They hit it off, then blam, a two year love story montage plays. Fast forward to the guys senior year, a month from graduation. The girl is still in her junior year. He’s been offered a position playing for a pro team.

Over the summer he gets ready and moves away for the opportunity of a life time. But they’re determined to make it work. It’s now her senior year. A couple of months go by, and he’s becoming more distant. She gets a call one day that he made a few mistakes and is expecting a child. And who does she immediately confide in... her long time best guy friend.

He reminds her that Gods got a plan for everyone. And maybe there’s someone out there who won’t hurt her, who won’t lie to her, who won’t make her feel bad about anything. The next night she goes over to his place for a drink. He opens up to her and tells her his girlfriend had been cheating on him as well and he ended things with her.

But they decided they weren’t going to get upset over their exes and that they were going to make the best out of the situation. They have a couple drinks and watch a couple movies and play some video games. He confesses her how he has actually had feelings for her forever. But he always hid them. And how all he’s ever heard is how the two of them would make the perfect couple. They’re both easy going, fun, simple people. And he says “I admit it. Everyone’s right.” But then he continues to watch the movie. She gets up to get another bottle of wine.

And then suddenly... he makes his move. Neither of them think it’s too soon but yet neither of them want to rush anything. But the feelings he gave her we’re real true feelings.

They woke up the next morning, asleep in his room. Woken up to the sound of his room mate coming home after a week of being out of town for a mission trip. The words of good morning beautiful never sounded better to her.

Later that day, her ex begins calling, telling her how much he needed her, and even though the baby wasn’t hers he still wanted her to be with him. She ignored his calls, his texts, everything. Because all she can think about was the night before.

Her best friends phone call, of him just making sure she got to work safely, reassured her it wasn’t just a drunken heartbreak rebound kiss.

She stays at his apartment for the next week straight. Everyone one in their lives loved them together. They were comfortable being themselves with each other, they knew everything there was to know about each other. It was easy for her to be with him.

But on the other side of the country... the ex is dying inside because he realized he just lost the best thing to ever happen to him. But he has know clue about what’s going on back home. He calls her, tells her he is flying home for a weekend to try to win her back. Little does she know he’s gonna try to propose. The best friend steps in and let’s him know... if he were to get anywhere close to her... it would be the last time.

Nothing was stoping the best friend from being with her. All he wanted to do was be the one she needed. And that’s exactly what he did. He became her everything.

Okay the end. Sorry I got bored and decided to post that. That’s no exaggeration. That’s how my love life has been this last two years... hope y’all enjoyed. Let me know what you think.