Loan for a rental

Alright ladies, or gents. I'm not here right now to talk about pregnancy, periods, or sex. Bummer I know.

I need real adult life situation advice.

So my husband started a job a couple months ago, like October, in a different state. It's an hour away from us. Since we rent because our credit isnt the greatest to buy yet, we are moving up to that state once our current lease is over. In February. Now our issue is we dont have much money saved. Or any for that matter. Between our other bills, and just cost of living, we haven't had the opportunity to really save. We would but then something would happen and we would have to spend our savings. Life sucks sometimes.

My husband could ask his job for a loan, to help with a down deposit but we have asked for a loan already through them. See before my husband started this job it was a mess. He quit his one job, got another job, was there for a day, then got this job that hes at now and then they held his first pay check so it was a mess and backed us up a little bit on money. Again we had to break into that savings. So they were nice enough to give us a thousand to help, and we have already paid it back with no problems. But I would honestly feel bad asking again. The owners are very sweet and would probably be more than willing to help since some reason they just love my husband to pieces. And they would be grateful we are making this move for them. But it's just the fact of asking again for help that bothers me. I don't want them to think less of my husband or us as a whole.

We could possibly wait for income taxes but we have the risk to not receive by the time we need it.

I just dont know what to do and its stressing me out. There is no way we can save $1500 by Feburary. That's what we already pay in rent!