Unhappy in my relationship*long*

Okay, so me and fiancée got together November of 2017. We moved pretty fast. By March I was moving three hours away to be with him. I thought he was my knight in shining armor. Well I found out I was pregnant by April. Than I started finding stuff out. Like him flirting and talking to other females. Acting like he wasn’t in a relationship with anyone. I never knew if he cheated physically or not. I chose to believe he didn’t. Probably because I’m scared to know the truth. But anyways. Since April on and off he’s been talking to girls behind my back. And everytime I would forgive him. This happened at least once a month until a month and half before I had our daughter. Now that she’s here I can’t help but resent him for all of the stuff he’s done to me when I needed him the most. I know he’s not talking inappropriately to other females anymore. I know wholeheartedly that he wants us and our family. ( I have two other daughters that love him to pieces) but I can’t help but feel some type of way. And it’s not just that he likes to play video games and I let him. Because he works and I get he wants to relax when he gets home and it’s something he loves. And I know if I try to control him he’s only going to resent me. But I’m to the point where I can’t take it anymore. He comes home and goes straight on the game.. he plays until 2am. I do everything for our baby. He’ll take her if I ask. As in if I need to go to the bathroom or do something. But I shouldn’t have to. He should want to all on his own. And it seems like he doesn’t even want to spend time with me. I just don’t know what to do. I guess I just needed to vent.