
What are ways you help your babies get rid of their gas. My son woke up from a dead sleep SCREAMING in pain because of gas. Before I switch to the other breast I burp him until I get a good one or it’s been 30-45 mins. I tried bicycle legs but every time I put him on his back he would scream! The gas is so much worse at night but tonight was the worst. It broke my heart seeing him in so much pain. He’s 2 months old and I’ll list what all I’ve tried.

What all I’ve tried:

Burping after each breast

Bicycle legs

Bouncing(let gravity do its thing)

Belly massage

Gripe is water(original and night time)

Little Remedies Gas Drops

Please tell me what you do to help your little ones with gas.

Thank you in advance!

Bonus picture of my sweet baby boy!