BPD, HC, AC and FL values at 28 week scan


Hey wonderful mammas....

Hope you all are doing great. Wait is about to get over...We are going to meet and hold our little one soon...💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻😃😃😃

Well, I am a little concerned about the BPD, HC, AC and FL values of my baby.

Here are the values (the scan was done at 28 weeks and I am 29w2d today)...

BPD-68.4mm (27w1D)

HC-250mm (26w3D)

AC-232mm (27w2D)

FL-51mm (27W)

Estimated Fetal weight according to BPD, HC, AC, FL is 1077±200gms.

LMP EDD (estimated due date) is 20th March 2019 but this time my sonologist has mentioned 28th March 2019 as C-EDD....She has also mentioned that there are two loops of cord seen close to the baby's neck.

Are these things serious? And lagging BPD, HC, AC and FL measurements mean there is something wrong with my baby? Should I be worried??? Is he fine???

I would love to hear the experiences and your stories guys. Pls share your measurements and tell me mine are absolutely NORMAL... for