Breastfeeding one breast


Hey guys so I had been breastfeeding my first born for 9 months. As time went on he kept refusing to nurse on my left breast i noticed it was more difficult for him as my nipple there was flat and made him somehow uncomfortable to suck on. I kept breastfeeding on the right side till he completely refused the left one and the milk was gone completely now its became so small and empty while one is big and heavy😥i read that many moms have done the same and its safe to do so but the question is will they be the same size again if i stop breastfeeding? Anyone else went through this!? And also i hear some people say it can cause cancer to the left side someone who got breast cancer herself told me that it was because she was nursing on one breast how common is this? Will i ever get milk again on the left side if pregnant? Plz share ur thoughts, experiences and advices, will b much appreciated thnx🤗