Natural birth story

So I will explain how it all went for me as a FTM so others can take it from a never felt before feeling.

Now that I understand what contractions feel like I know that I’ve been contracting for possibly a week or longer before delivery. The contractions were not close at all, it would probably be 1 or 2 contractions when I would sleep. I was due 12/25 but I felt that the date they estimated would not be the day my baby is born. I lost my mucous plug on Friday and started having more consistent contractions Monday morning. I labored at home for a while I didn’t know that I was contracting but I eventually went to the hospital I wanted to deliver at. I was 5cm 90% effaced when I got there. They stuck an 18 gauge into my arm to do blood work and could be used if I needed fluids or pain meds I would say that it hurt more than the contractions. I was moved to a different room but started to progress more quickly than they expected. They broke my water and less than 10mins I was at 9.5cm. If you want to do it naturally just know that your contractions are going to be very intense and very close together without space inbetween. At this point they call it the transition phase. This is the point you will want to give up but just know that if you feel like you’re ready to give up, that means the baby is ready to come. What helped me during contractions is counting backwards from 30 each one while inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth. Contractions feel like very heavy cramps. If you have bad cramps during your period, you will have higher tolerance for the contractions. Pushing with the contractions is the best thing to do and is more effective. Try you best to labor as long as you can at home.