Ectopic help.... long sorry

lisa • Mom of 1 girl👧, 3 boys👦🧒🧒, twin 👧🧒( born 2/4/20) and one in heaven 👼 #nosanityleft

Well 22 days ago i started to bleed (still am). I was 5 weeks and 4 days along and at first didnt think much but then bleeding got red and sorta heavy not full period heavy but needing pads heavy so called doctor and my hcg was only at 1500 so she prepared me for having a miscarriage but kept tracking my hcg. 48 hours later it went up to 1920 only so didnt double so even more reason to except miscarriage christmas <a href="">eve</a> comes around still bleeding and pass two quarter size clots and thought that was passing the baby, so doc did numbers wed after christmas and it went up to 2700 so still went up but if course didnt double, so did ultrasound and they couldnt really see anything in my uterus and doc said miscarriage and we kept monitoring my nunbers few more times and did last blood draw yeaterday and number is 3375 so its still going up and still bleeding so going in for another ultrasound to look for an ectopic pregnancy if i do have one what should i expect? Does it mean automatically surgery to remove the baby? What was ypur experience with an ectopic... im still bleeding no cramping and not passing clots. I just want to heal from this but cant because body doesnt want to seem to let me