To BBT or not?


Hi ya'll,

I'm 31 yo, and my husband (28yo) & I are TTC for the first time. I went off BC in late August and at the time my ob-gyn said to just "have fun" and not stress about tracking or temperatures or such for a couple of months. So I've just been casually tracking my cycle on my fitbit app and keeping a general eye on my fertility window.

Well, here we are four months later and my period just started so still not baby :(

My ob-gyn told me that if I wasn't pregnant in 6 months on the "have fun" method to come back and see her again. That's still two months away, but I saw an ad for Natural Cycles app yesterday with a free thermometer, and I'm wondering if it's worth going ahead and starting to be more deliberate now.

Open to any recommendations, suggestions or words of encouragement!