Not sure what’s happening..?!

Kelly-Marie • 👼🏼mumma to 3 angels 🦑🐨🐼👼🏼 Praying for my🌈

So I had my first ever pregnancy which turned out to be ectopic back in August last year treated by MTX after already loosing a tube a few years back due to scar tissue. I’ve had regular periods since then with no problems at all..

This month I am 2 days late for my period but when doing a test (only a cheap one as don’t wanna waste money) I’m getting a negative. I know hormone levels may not always be as high with ectopics so slightly worried as no sign of AF but mild pain on my side where my tube is which is how I discovered I was pregnant last time.

My question is.. has anyone here had a negative test this early on and actually be pregnant? And also was it good or bad news?

Thanks in advanced