
Hi mamas! I’m trying to see how you guys broke your baby’s from co-sleeping? My son is 1 years old and never use to co-sleep with us (I have really bad anxiety so I’d wake up every hour to check on him whenever he did), I had him sleep in a rock and play, then his pack and play upper level, then lowered it whenever he could sit up. But over the holidays I had to have our son co-sleep because my husbands grandmother who’s basically my MIL since she raised my husband would complain every single day whenever we stayed with them because she “heard” our son whine. He co-slept for one week and since we’ve been home he refuses to sleep in his pack and play, he ends up sleeping in bed with us but he’s kicking us in the face and in the back all night long. I love my little boy to death, but I’m already so exhausted being pregnant that having him in bed with us is kicking my behind! Please, any advice is welcomed!

**He sleeps in a pack and play in our room, our house is two levels and only the master bedroom is on the top level so I have had a hard time moving him downstairs to his own room.**