It's almost time...

Brandy • •Chloe Grace ♡ 1/20/17 •baby #2 passed at 6.5 weeks (was due Sept. 2, 2019)...

My sweet baby is gonna be a mommy! I'm a little scared, I'm praying she has a super easy delivery.... yall please say a prayer for her! Shes my first baby ❤❤❤

It makes it even harder that I have to work all weekend! I'm not off until Monday, I'm really hoping she holds them in there until then so I can be here with her...

Update #1:

She has two beautiful puppies so far and shes doing an amazing job with them!!!

Update #2:

We have five!!! Five beautiful healthy puppies that have all started to nurse on their own!!! And my sweet bella is doing a wonderful job!! I'm so proud of her! 😭😍❤❤❤

Update #3: some pictures of the puppies while momma was eating. We also just noticed that she has given birth to a rare blue chihuahua!


They have their little eyes open!!! They're so cute! I only have pictures of two of them right now, cause they were getting mad at me for disturbing them 😂😂 I'll take more later when they're not eating or sleeping.

We call this one Blue.

My daughter named this one Fatboy. Lol. He's our only boy.