Daycare rant


I don’t know if I’m over reacting because I’m pregnant so tell me your thoughts.

My son is a stage 5 clinger. He’s 18 months old and just wants to interact with adults. He wants to play with you and have you show him stuff. My daycare ladies complain to me everyday about how hard my son is to watch because he requires so much attention. He’s in a class for 6 kids. So not that many kids for two people.

The last two months I’ve noticed a chance in my son. He cry’s going to daycare now. The ladies aren’t warm and inviting when they see him. They all look annoyed when he comes in. One lady grabbed him as he was crying for me and had the most irritated sound to her voice when she talked to my son. He cried even more. I scolded her and told her to change her attitude this is your job don’t treat my son like a burden.

So he’s progressively gotten so bad he won’t let me put him down. Today I picked him up and they were complaining about how he has been hysterical for over an hour. I said “does he have a diaper rash?”. They were like no we changed him. I know my son and it had to be a rash. We get home 20 min later I change his diaper and boy did he have a rash alright. It was like his poor skin melted off all around his man parts and all down his butt. The poop that was on him was crushed so it had been a while that he was sitting in that diaper.

Poor guy had to go straight into the shower to get all him clean.

So I’m beyond livid I’m to the point of pulling him out but I can’t do it just yet and I feel so awful. But idk what I can do about this. That rash was brewing all day it was so bad.

Has anyone else had a daycare like this and was able to get them to fix their issues?

**** UPDATE****

Thank you ladies for all of your advice, I’m so glad it’s not just me that feels this is not okay. My husband who is in law enforcement is going to talk to the director tomorrow. I figured the one who won’t hold their temper about the situation should go in.

We have a backup sitting until we can get another either daycare or permanent sitter in place. We are considering upping my timeline to quit my job. We just want to make sure we have all of our home loan stuff squared away with all these extra fees to close escrow we want the second income for the buffer.

I will let all you ladies know how his talk goes. He sees a lot of child abuse at work and it’s not something he takes lightly.