Help! Baby will not nap!

Sage • BS Psychology and Early Childhood Development and Education, School of Enrichment

My baby girl is 9 weeks old today. She's healthy, super strong, and advanced physically and cognitively according to her pediatrician. She sleeps well at night, requiring one feeding between midnight and 2:00 and then not again until about 6:00 am. However, getting her to sleep at night is a complete battle because she is so over tired that she basically cries herself to sleep, unable to even nurse for comfort. All of this because she resists naps all day long. She will fall asleep on bumpy sidewalks in her stroller, or attached to me in the ergo but as soon as we try to lay her down...BAM! Wide awake. Laying her down "drowsy but awake" works sometimes but she still will only sleep for 20 to 45 minutes. It feels like all I do all day is try to read her sleep cues to try and get her to sleep but nothing works. Today she literally slept for a total of 90 minutes when she is supposed to be getting 4 to 6 hours! I feel like she's going to kill herself from sleep deprivation. Someone help!