ICP (Cholestasis)

Any moms on here have been or are diagnosed with ICP (Cholestasis) in pregnancy!? I have so many questions.. as to why sometimes it takes people many times of retesting to get an elevated bile count in your blood!? I feel like I’m running out of time!! I’ll be 37 weeks Monday. Tests come back about a week after taking them.. my first test was done about 3 weeks ago when my itching first started( very mild) they came back normal so I thought ok maybe it is nothing... but now it’s keeping me up at night I’m itching all over w no rash of course but I’m breaking skin. I feel like I’m going crazy! i went in for another blood draw Thursday.. My results come back this week but even if they aren’t elevated I seriously feel like this is what I have and have talked to many ppl who say it’s taken a few blood results to catch it.. and as for an increased stillbirth rate past 37 weeks I am so scared!!