To test or not to test, that is the bloody question


Here it is. According to glow I'm 5 days late (it's been accurate pretty often but there have been some off months) and when I count the days of my cycle at flow should be here now or by Monday.

My question is.... Should I test? Cause what if I test and end up with at right after? So not budget friendly 😋

But at the same time what if it's positive?!?!!

I'm not sure what the early symptoms of pregnancy are but I've been bloody tired and hot all the time(I live in Canada so being hot at this time of year is not possible) and just plain ol' icky, Sort of like how i feel before shark week starts.

Can someone help? Tell me what to do!!


Took a test on Sunday at lunch time and got a solid.... One line. Still no AF. And not even a sign of her. WebMD says I'm dying. Lol