What do you think of these accounts?


This is my first time posting in controversy corner 😬

So I was on instagram today, just looking through all the ransom stuff on my explore and I found this account. Basically it shows pictures that various celebrities & influencers post and then compares them with unedited natural ones. I found several more accounts that post similar content, this particular one had the people tagged in their captions almost like a sort of call out.

I'm not yet sure how I feel about these accounts. On the one hand I thought it was a great reality check that we so desperately need, it'd be beneficial for young people in particular to see so that they don't get these warped ideas about body and beauty standards.

But then I was wondering whether it was right seeing as these photos were most likely posted without the people's permission, as well as the fact that they are often tagged in them as well. The page says that they will take down photos if people request it, but they post screenshots of the requests too.

So yeah what do you think?

Bonus question/s: should celebs and influencers have a social responsibility to be transparent about their use of photoshop and cosmetic procedures? Or does it not matter? Is it up to us to not be influenced by it all?