Feeling a bit low


Hi all,

TTC #2

Just been to a children’s birthday party with my daughter and everyone seemed to have babies or second or third children. My depression is hanging around in the background at the minute, not helped by the fact that I’m physically run down with an infection and AF, and I couldn’t help but feel really miserable.

I sat there thinking how far along I’d have been if I’d have caught when I wanted to. I didn’t know anyone there either so I found myself basically sitting alone wishing my husband was there (he was too full of cold to come) and wanting to cry. But I had to keep a happy face on because I didn’t want to spoil a little girls party, bless her. I joined in as much as I could bear.

I am sure I won’t catch this month - I have everything crossed for February or March because then it’s highly likely I’ll end up with a third November baby in the household (me and my daughter are both Nov) and my husband night actually have a heart attack 🤣

Lots of love and luck to you all xxx