Going Through The motions😔

Jasmine • 26💕| Nursing Student👩🏽‍⚕️| Mother of a Princess ✨

So I have PCOS was diagnosed in April 2018 after trying for about 4 months. Me & my S/O have been together for about 4 years and decided that this is what we wanted. It’s been a whole year of seeing a OBGYN and started see a Fertility doctor in November 2018. To make matters worst we found out my S/O has a low count/motility. So far I’ve done blood work which came back normal as far as PCOS & another ultrasound to tell me agin I have PCOS and said I hadn’t ovulated. I Was suppose to do HSG testing on the 29th but couldn’t because period is way off this month.

Anyways I have a menstrual between day 32-40 I’ve never went pass those days. Last one was Nov 21-26. Spotted on Christmas <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> but that’s it. My ovulation day was on my birthday which was Dec 10th and we baby danced that day and the day after. I’ve taken a pregnancy test today , the day before yesterday and last Wednesday an they are all negative. I can’t take another test because my heart can’t take it. But this is definitely un-normal for me not to have a period. I’m a little, bloated and tired so idk but I’ve never been pregnant so I have no idea what to expect.😔😔