Snooping on phones, whos wrong?

So yall, my partner is very, hella secretive w his phone, when he wasnt before in the past. I just thought maybe hes changed, maybe he just wants some privacy now.

But he always go into my phone, checking my messages, my phone logs, and email. And im only a sahm, i dont even contact anyone but him, and i stay home most of the time.

Theres one time i told him to stop going thru my phone, since he doesnt even want me to go his'. He got all mad and acted like im hiding something. He said to me that if i dont let him see his phone, it means im doing something im not supposed to be doing. I said hes probably the one doing it, and he got more mad.

If he wants to see and use my phone like its his, he has to let me do the same, and guess what, he refuse. He said only he can do it, cause i cant be trusted.

Now i have the urge to snoop into his phone, i just need to figure out a way.