TMI pic! Spotting suspicions!

Nicole • 30 • Married • TTC baby #1 ❤️ with PCOS
So, I'm starting to believe my body plays tricks on me because I want to be pregnant so bad, that every little symptom I have I have a small glimmer of hope along with it that I may be. It's about 28 days since the end of my last period ( the first after my HSG test on which day my OB encourage trying as hard as possible because some fall pregnant afterwards 1-3 months) Friday when we started our mini family vaca I began to see some brown blood only when I wipe (my cycles always start that way and progress into a full flow) and figured my friend was coming to town. The next day maybe a tad more and the next nothing at all. I know that it's around the time implantation bleeding would happen so I began to read and Google things like always. But me and my husband had sex, and after I had a small bit of pink discharge (a tiny tiny hint of blood mixed with you know what) so I was disappointed think my flow was starting again... But today when I awoke I had nothing but this on a pad and no more blood when I wipe. Do you ladies think I'm overthinking a PCOS symptom or this could be it???? 😩😩😩 help.. So anxious!