Ready to try for baby 2 (advice)



This is just needing somewhere to write everything down. I am hoping to get advice from people who understand rather than family who just want another baby in the family.

First of all I have a 22 month old little boy. Me and hubby are already talking about baby 2 but the jump into trying seems to be bigger than when we decided we were going to try for our first is this normal?

I had Severe preeclampsia with my first I was dying and he was too and I was awake when he was born by c section. I was told to wait two years which is fine but I am worried that second time could be worse, although I went to hospital and doctors which symptoms from 29 weeks I was told it was in my head. We later found out things would have been easier and safer if the midwives had listened and not passed it off.

Has anyone else had a normal second birth.

Next question is about bedrooms we have a 2 bedroom house and at the moment can not afford to move or add a complete 3rd room what are thoughts on siblings sharing when they have a 2.5/3year age difference (obviously after the baby has moved from our room not right away)

I would like another baby but I am rather worried about it our little boy is the only baby of the family so I don’t want him to resent a new baby or feel pushed out.

It is hard to talk to anyone about a second because all people say is when are you having another without remembering the issues.

Sorry for the rant and any spelling mistakes just needed to get it all out.