lonely and depressed


I've never had a boyfriend and have no real friend group... I have like 3 random friends which I always have to be the first to message and organise things with, I'm not overly good friends with any of these people but feel the need to hold on to them otherwise I will have literally no one. I don't get along with my family as they all have a very negative attitude and fight, which gets very emotionally and physically draining to be surrounded by. Every guy that talks to me gets bored and stops talking to me, I think because I have so much anxiety I try to hard and end up making a fool of myself rather than being myself. I am so so lonely and have no one to help me get back on my feet and be my bubbly self again. Having no one has made me bitter and anxious to be around people, so when I am with people I'm uncomfortable and just want to be by myself, but then later I wish I made the most of the situation because deep down I bounce of others energy when I'm truly myself. I'm so depressed and lonely and don't know what to do