Feeling Pressured - Rant

Ugh I just need to vent because I don't want to complain about my husband's family to him. I'm 25 and my husband is 31 and we're TTC baby #1. His cousin and his cousin's new wife bought a house a few months ago just two away from ours. She's really young - just turned 20 - and they're being super vocal about trying to have a baby as soon as possible, which is fine. But recently we were having a BBQ and my sister - who is 29 and TTC baby #2 - asked when we were going to give her one year old daughter a cousin and my husband was like "oh we just started trying but hopefully soon". His cousin's wife pipes up with "yeah we just started trying too - I don't want to be a really old mom because it isn't good for the baby." My sister and I kind of looked at her funny and she just kept going on and on about how it was better to have kids young and making it out like my sister and I were risking our future babies' lives to have kids so "old". We were just so insulted but didn't want to make a scene so I just said "well, people can have perfectly healthy babies into their 40s, so we have lots of time," and changed the subject. I just really can't stand her and wish my husband would stop inviting his cousin over every time we do anything, because my husband's family is starting to make jokes about "I wonder who will get pregnant first?!" Any advice on how to not let this get to me? I'm finding myself feeling like if she gets pregnant before me it's going to make me really upset and I just don't want it to feel like a competition or something stupid like that. 😔