Married young? (Question&Rant)

How long after you got with your so did you get married? And how old were you?
I got a call today and my baby sister who is barely seventeen is getting married in 2 weeks to someone she's only been with for maybe 3 months. 
I don't really agree with it but it's her decision and if my mother is willing to let it happen, who am I to put a damper on her day? She's asked me to be her maid of honor which I'm more than happy to do for her. 
I honestly just feel like she's too young. She's always had other people do for her and take care of her. She's never had to be an adult before. And the guy she's marrying doesn't have a job. He's getting SSI for a learning disability. Neither one has a job or their own car or their own place. She dropped out of high school. Am I wrong to feel like at least one person in the couple should have some stability before they get married? 
I'm not looking for negativity because I know it's not my decision. I will support any decision she makes because she's my sister not my daughter. If she want to get married it's totally on her. I'm just venting out of concern.