Missing my sweet baby


December 28th 2017 I went to dr for normal check up I was 15 weeks along and there was no heart beat on Doppler 😢 they sent me to ultrasound and found out that my baby had no heart beat and had stopped growing at 12 weeks but had a heart beat a week prior to all of this. The next day I had a D&C those 2 days were such a blur for me. Everything came back genetically fine with my baby and I found out I would have had a son. They tested me like no other and everything was fine. I went to get a second opinion this past summer to try and get some answers and my old dr never took into account that I have a heart shaped uterus 😶 new dr did a diagnostic hysteroscopy were he discovered I had a wall of tissue built up in my uterus that divided it into 2 so there had been no were for baby to grow. A year has passed and I still hurt from time to time but it’s gotten easier. I will always miss and love my son that I never got to hold or know. I have a healthy 5 year old at home who I have to be strong for all the time as she watches my every move. I have had 4 miscarriages in total and they have all been hard on me but this one was the absolute hardest. Thank you all for listening to me ramble