Anyone else ??

boymomforever 💙💙🤰 • Mother of five angel babies, a happy and healthy 4yo boy & a 1.5yo boy & last baby and BOY #3 due June 20 ‘23 💙

I woke up with poo cramps at 4am the other night. I could barely push anything out. By the 3rd or 4th cramp I couldn’t handle the pain and figured they were contractions. I went to triage and they put me on the monitor and the monitor was picking up some tightening every so often it showed the up in the line. I then proceeded to poo my pants while on the bed with the monitor around me ... tmi I know but the dr told nurse to check me. My cervix was closed so they sent me home.

I have now had the same tightening feelings but not the deep pain or the cramp. Anyone else have this happen or similar ?