Emergency C-Section 2 1/2 years ago.


I don’t think I have ever really told my birth story. And I’m going to post it here because I have questions also..

So I was pregnant with my daughter I was 36 weeks and 1 day. We went in for our last ultrasound to see if she was finally head down. The technician didn’t hardly say anything to us and I could sense that something was wrong. I was getting nervous but luckily we had a doctors appointment right after. We went into our room and waited for the doctor. It didn’t take her long to come in and tell us our daughter doesn’t have amniotic fluid anymore and she could not induce us for our daughter was frank breach. She kept talking like we were going to have her that day, turns out we were having her that day. We got sent over to the birth place right after our appointment. When it was time for the show they had trouble putting the needle in my back and took 52 minutes, 7 stabs later and a few cuts here and there our daughter was born. Weighing 5 pounds and 3 ounces at 18 inches long. The doctors took us back to our room with me being so exhausted and our daughter being in my husbands arms only for her to be taken back to the nurses station where she could be under light because of jaundice. I didn’t get to hold her till about 3 hours later. I finally come to, and my head was pounding. It’s what they call a spinal headache, it’s from when they stick your spinal cord so much it creates a leak of spinal fluid to your brain. They asked if I wanted to do a blood patch which in this case the draw blood from your arm and insert another needle in your back and put the blood through that syringe and make you lay flat on your back afterwards to patch the holes. I thought it had worked and felt a little better afterward. We were in the hospital for 5 days and I was so ready to go home. While they were going over discharge papers I felt it coming back. There was no way I was possibly telling them because I didn’t want to stay any longer. We finally made it home that night. The next morning it hurt so bad I couldn’t sleep or think straight all I could do was cry. My husband rushed me to the emergency room just to do another blood patch. We were there for 4 hours while my mom and his mom watched our newborn at home. They made me lay in that bed flat on my back for that long. And I remember having to pee so bad, I was holding it in for what seemed like forever. The nurse told me we could use a bed pan and I didn’t care anymore, I caved I had to go. So I start letting it go. And it overflowed everywhere In the bed. I stopped as soon as I felt it. I held the rest of it in finally after 4 hours the nurse came and got me in a wheel chair and rolled me to the bathroom. And I peed for what felt like 10 minutes lol. We finally go to go home, I was so sore and hurt so bad. A few days later I was bent over the edge of my bathtub (I don’t remember why) and all of a sudden I felt something wet running down my legs...it was the incision. It somehow got infected and a bunch of brown smelly stuff was running down my legs...it finally healed. My daughter though, she was so perfect so sweet little and innocent. My world. I couldn’t believe God chose me to be her mother. She’s two and a half now. With a little sibling on the way. I’m 4 weeks and 3 days I think. And I needed to know if any of you ladies out there, have tenderness where that scar is. It hurts to touch almost. Very sensitive. Thank you for reading my long long post. I never got to share it. It’s a crazy one but it’s mine 💜