Experienced fiancée

Ahlanna • Just a young adult marrying their best friend and looking to be a healthier, better me 💙 TTC after meeting my weight lose goal! For daily updates check out my Instagram _ahlannanaomi

Hey everyone so, I recently got engaged to my boyfriend/best friend of 3 years (dating for 3 years known each other for 6) and I’ve known he was always WAY more experienced than me when it comes to all things sexual. He is into a lot of freaky things that I’ve never tried. I’m worried that I won’t be freaky enough for him or I’ll be horrible at the things he really likes. He always tells me not to worry because he loves me for me and not the sex but I want to be the best wife I can. Ugh someone help! Anyone else ever felt this way when you first got married? What tips do you have? Thanks 😊