Going to have a mental breakdown 😢


I'm almost 39 weeks on wednesday. I was told when I went to the hospital last week for an ultrasound that I would be induced at 39 weeks due to having gestational diabetes. Which is great I've been SO READY to get him out, ive been having pink and brown discharge, period like cramps and terrible back pain the past 3 days. Been doing everything I can to prepare my body for induction in 2 days. (Drinking tea, lots of walking, bouncing on ball) well I noticed my feet are swollen. I contacted a midwife and asked about being induced wednesday and she said that I won't be induced.. my son is mesuring big due to the diabetes and they keep saying its normal but now they're suddenly not inducing me because I've been diet controlled (he's big anyway) im just so upset and exhausted idk what to do.