Weight loss

Nicole • 27 ❤️ Milwaukee born and raised 🐄🧀🍻

So I am not about New Years resolutions whatsoever so it’s unfortunate timing that I’m deciding to do this now lol. So my boyfriend and I have finally agreed that we are going to eat a more balanced diet and start going to the gym. We both have an over eating and unhealthy food problem and we both would rather sit on the couch than get active. Before we started dating almost a year ago I had just lost about 10 pounds on weight watchers. Since then I have gained that back plus 5 more pounds. I’m 4’11” and 155 pounds. I think I carry it well but everything is just bigger than I want it to be and I don’t feel good at all. He has gained about 20 pounds since we’ve been together. We were both very active in high school (actually went to high school together) him being a wrestler and me being a cheerleader. He went on to go into the marines and obviously was fit then. I would go to the gym on and off the past few years but it has completely stopped now. I just need some encouragement to keep with the gym and if anyone has any good recipes that taste naughty that aren’t it would be appreciated lol. Thanks for reading my rambling 😂