Sleep on his own!

Haley • mrs & mama ♡

Heya mommas, and daddies if you’re on here... I was wondering what you guys have done to get your little ones to sleep on their own, and stay asleep throughout the night. My little guy will be a year old this Saturday, and he’s been sleeping in the bed with us since we brought him home. Tonight is the first night I’ve tried getting him to fall asleep on his own in his crib (he doesn’t have a problem sleeping in it really, he just has to be asleep before I put him in). He actually fell asleep sooner than I expected, and I never left he room, I just laid beside his crib where he couldn’t see me, and he cried some on an off, I’d sing his song (twinkle twinkle little star) and then I get back where he couldn’t see me. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips or advice for me.. hard having my baby grow up, but this man has to get some rest too. 😩

Pictures of my boy, because he’s just too damn cute. 😍

Thanks in advance!! 💘