How do i tell my friend who i know is having trouble conceiving that im pregnant?


So my husband and I have a couple we've been friends with for a long time. She has had miscarriages and a still birth and is still struggling to get pregnant. My husband and I have a daughter, had a miscarriage and now are pregnant again. (When we got pregnant with our daughter we had drifted apart and within the past year or so got closer again so I didn't actually tell them the first time). I would like to hear from anyone and everyone their thoughts and what would be the least hurtful way to tell my friends were pregnant again. I don't want her to feel obligated to be happy for me but I also don't want to make her sad (which I'm sure will happen anyways)and I don't want them to hear it through the grapevine like we we're avoiding telling them. Please help!

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