Have you ever broken up with a high school boyfriend and gotten back years later

I'm taking time to be single and find myself thinking of my high school boyfriend a lot. His friend took a picture of us in 2014 of us holding hands and walking to my car and said this is the picture for our grandkids. We reached a point where my mom had cameras in the house and I didn't know and she was watching us hang out and she was always putting me down. I was toxic due to her making me feel like shot that he couldn't handle it. Never knew my value. He's probably been the best boyfriend I've had.

He's asked me a few times previously to meet up for coffee and I've declined but I live in another state now. He posted on snap of him going on another date but he hasn't really dated or not to my knowledge. Idk I'm in my feels a lot. What is your experience? I don't think we'll ever get back together cause of our past and me living far away, but ya

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