Work out from home

I’m a sahm and wanting to get back into shape (currently 6months pp). However I just don’t have the time in the day to go to the gym. By the time my husband gets home I’m to exhausted to go, not to mention I’m the only one who gets up at night with baby due to hubbys schedule. The only time I have is during our baby’s mid day nap which is roughly 1-2 hours. I’ve tried doing the book workouts but I just can’t keep my focus/motivation. I feel that I would do a LOT better if I was watching the workout while I do it, but I have NO IDEA which to get. Before baby I was 120 lbs and super toned. Now I’m 160-165 and curvy in all the wrong places. I would love to get back down to 120, but I would be just as happy with 130-140. We eat pretty healthy to begin with but it’s just the exercise that’s the problem.