When you die would you leave everything to your wife/husband or kids? * possible trigger warning *

This is kind of a sad, depressing topic. But it’s something me and my husband were talking about. So in the state we live in, if a husband or wife dies everything of theirs go to kids. Not to the spouse. Which is pretty strange but that’s how it works here.

So me and my husband are having to draw up a will. Both of us are healthy and hopefully have a long time left to live.. but things happen so we want to have everything planned. So he has a hefty life insurance policy and 401k plan and a large amount in savings (he invests) and ofcourse our home, cars, etc. we have been talking about what we would want eachother to have, and what we would want our kids to have etc if one of us were to pass away. Anyways it got me interested in what others do? Would you want your spouse to have everything? Or split it up between spouse and kids? Or would you want to leave your kids everything? What if they are under 18?

Again I know this isn’t really a fun topic but it’s something we all have to think about at some point so I wanted to hear other people’s opinions on the matter and what you plan on doing since everybody is different.

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