Anyone TTC rainbow baby 🌈 after 2 M/C But have kids already ...


I feel like I shouldn’t be sad 😔 because I have two beautiful children after my first losses BUT I am I feel like I’m being greedy because some woman don’t even have any babies to hold and I lost mine all so early ... so I’ve been told

“Least you have two kids ! Least you can get pregnate “least you didny loose it further along .. so then I thought so I even have a right to grieve .. so I came here because I do feel sad I do need support and encouragement.. .. I was so over the moon excited for this baby I had names picked out I was so excited I got my BFP just before Christmas ! December 5th ! It kept getting darker and darker every day ... WELL I went in Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> for a dating ultrasound I should of been 8 weeks I was measuring 5 and my levels weren’t doubling so I got the NEWS! I cried and cried and thought de je vu😭😭... well December 28th I started having cramping 29th worse 30th bleeding heavy and then heavy then passed some clots a weird huge piece of tissue and the cramps slowly faded the bleeding stoped jan3.. follow up ultrasound confirmed uterus completly empty ... I took some time to heal and I’m ready to try agian I’m just so WORRIED ..🌈🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻😭🥰