Ttc (TW)


I put TW because I don't want this post to offend anyone who has or is struggling with ttc.

I was told that I wouldn't be able to have kids without artificial help when I was 18...(what doctor can tell an 18 year old that is beside me)

Anyway years go on and we decide to try for #1, we got pregnant right away. There was no tracking, he came in me 1 time and we got pregnant. That pregnancy unfortunately ended in a miscarriage.

Then after 6 months to a year, we decide to try again. He came in me 1 time (Superbowl Sunday) there was no tracking or anything. We got pregnant immediately, which resulted in my beautiful baby boy.

Fast forward another 2 years, and we're ready to try for #2. I've been tracking my periods which are very regular, we had sex twice. So he came in me twice.

And then last night out of nowhere, we were sitting down having dinner and my son says. Baby brother....I said "what baby?" And he repeated "baby brother" he didn't say "I want a baby brother" which at 2 he is fully capable of saying that sentence. All he said was baby brother...then I saw a post on here where her 2 year old daughter knew before she even knew.

Obviously this has made me overthink everything. I'm not within the testing window, but could my LO really know even before implantation?