Moved baby to her own room tonight


She has always slept in our pack n play in our room in her docatot with a boppy noggin nest pillow (rock n play messed with her head shape for a while)...also with a hand knitted blanket with lots of holes.

Wish us luck on the transition. I hope to have her out of all these crutches and in her crib alone with nothing else ASAP


Just now, tonight, I decided to take the plunge and remove everything. At first she cried two mins. I was watching the camera the whole time. I got nervous because it seemed too easy and she had been talking to me the whole time after her nightly bath and didn’t take her bedtime bottle. After she was asleep after those two mins I got scared because all I saw was her face in the side of the crib. I wanted to go check so when I did, I accidentally stepped on a place of the hardwood floor in her room that squeaks and she woke up from that crying. I’m an idiot. Well after that I fed her that bottle and put her back down and she has been like this after one minute of crying. Please say a prayer that she sleeps well