Crazy fever

Yesterday my 19 month old spiked a fever of 102 at lunchtime, he was with my mom who gave him a dose of Tylenol. She told me he slept on and off all day and just wanted to be held/cuddled...this is not normal behavior. My little guy is extremely active all day, every day. She took his temp again a few hours later and it was 100.5. He’s had NO other symptoms of any kind until the fever yesterday. When my husband and I got home from work he got another dose of Tylenol. He went from crying with his eyes close wanting to be cuddled to his normal self starting around 6 and was crazy the rest of the night. Took his temp before bed and it was 99, gave him a dose of Tylenol in case it spiked overnight. I’m seriously torn on whether to take him to the doctor to have him checked out for an ear infection or something with it being super germy at the doctor. He’s slept normal and is currently still sleeping

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My 20 month old has had a strange fever for the past two days. No other real symptoms, just the fever. I called and spoke to a nurse and she said that as long as it doesn’t get to much higher (it’s been 102-103) then to wait 72 hours and if the fever doesn’t start trending downward by day three to bring her in. Until then just lots of fluids and Tylenol/Ibuprofen and a “tepid” bath if needed. 🤷‍♀️


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My daughter had a crazy fever, turned out to be the flu, fever started Thursday night, she was fever free by Monday


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Is he maybe teething? My son has been teething since he was 4 months old lol. I rarely give him Tylenol unless he’s miserable but he’s constantly getting teeth. Maybe peek back there and see. I know when my son is because he poops multiple times a day, usually gets a rash, and bites on his hands, and gets a runny nose. He also is always clingy and cuddly. If you don’t think it’s from teething maybe make an appointment to make sure.