Super Early test: Can you see it? 6 Days till my period is Due


I know I know wait a few more days and retest... don’t get ahead of myself in case it doesn’t stick so I’m not asking anyone I know but I’m too freaking excited not to ask you lot: I’ve been feeling some symptoms for a few days but thought I was just coming down with something but last night my nipples started to burn (tmi sorry!). I took a cheap test this morning (neg) but went and bought a first response at lunch as I was so sure I wasn’t feeling normal. I know it’s the faintest - I usually see “Do you see it?” Posts and think “well yes it’s right there whoooop!” But I really had to take it out of the test to get even the glimmer of the line to show up on a photo but I think I see something?! Baby dust to everyone (and me 🤞🏻) xx