I can’t decide what to do!

chels • Mom of 2 👦 & 👼 baby

So long story short... my baby has had some tummy problems including colitis and very bad bleeding in his diapers. He was in the hospital 2 weeks ago. He is 6 weeks now. The doctors are all recommending that we put him on formula that is special for babies with allergies. They told me to continue pumping and saving it in the freezer for when he is 4 to 6 months old! They said I also need to stay dairy free while I’m pumping, which doesn’t make sense if he might outgrow this at 4 to 6 months..??🤔 The bleeding could be caused for other reasons besides dairy too. I can’t decide what to do! My husband wants me to keep pumping and saving it bc formula is sooo expensive! I want to do that too but I’m tired and exhausted. I don’t even know if he will want breast milk 4 or 6 months from now. What would you do if you were in this situation? I’m so indecisive!