My son, my daughter and my instincts

If you feel something just isn't right with your babies, don't let doctors or anyone else lull you into a false sense of security.

The first day I held my son, he started turning blue and eyes fixed to one side that would last 15 seconds or so. I told multiple nurses each time he'd do this and I suspected seizures but they all took turns telling me as a FTM I didn't know that babies aren't great at breathing on their own yet and he's fine. Over and over again they told me no. Four days in the hospital due to preeclampsia and finally I recorded my son having a seizure. It took days of continued watching him with my phone pointed at him trying to catch his episodes for them to even consider what I told them.

At two months old I noticed he would be breastfeeding and did everything he could to avoid my eyes. I suspected autism right then but from what I've read (too early) and how the nurses reacted to his seizures (no one would believe or listen) I decided to play the wait game. He was assigned Early Intervention services due to seizures as soon as they realized he was having them and he gets development tests done. My son was hitting milestones but has always had delays especially with speech. Again I suggested autism during his 6, 9 and 18 months development assessments. Each time I was told nah, that eye stimming, hand flapping, lightly head banging, speech delayed baby has some quirks but not autism. I felt relieved because they'd explain it all away so perfectly. Fast forward to now he is 25 months and I am 100% certain he is and has been autistic since the beginning.

I have a 9 month old daughter that has just suddenly stopped wanting to be held and play peek a boo. She avoids my gaze when she used to stare at me constantly. Responding to her name less, not much babbling and she has delays...she's autistic too. I'm not letting anyone convince me it's too early anymore. Neither one has been diagnosed yet but I have appointments coming up for them to be tested. Just wanted to share if anyone else suspects things early to push for evaluation.