Losing weight no nausea?

Hey guys, quick question, 
I do get nauseous and food aversions but I've been watching what I eat because I'm trying for a vbac. But I feel like I'm over analyzing everything I put in my mouth because now I'm losing weight. 
But before I got pregnant I gained about 10 pounds in a matter of months so could it just be because I'm watching what I eat or am I going overboard? 
Yesterday I had 2 personal bags of ritz cheese cracker, a chewy bar, 4 buffalo wings, 3 beef empanadas, as well as 2 peaches and a frozen chocolate banana. I'm eating similar to this daily but I'm losing weight. 
Is that bad? I don't want to gain too much weight but now I'm losing.
I went from 136 to 134 in a week.