Well my baby caught it


So Monday my Paislee girl started to get the symptoms of a cold (some coughing and a little congestion).

At that point I didn’t think much of it cuz she’s had a cold before. Well Wednesday came and she was breathing heavier with some chest retracting and it was just not normal for her so I started to get worried about her breathing. I called my husband at work and told him when he got home in a couple hours I wanted to take her to children’s. He agreed and we headed there as soon as he came home. We got checked in right away and as soon as we got back to a room the nurse did a deep suction which if you don’t know is when they take a very small tube and put it down the nostrils into the throat and suck all the gunk our they got a lot out and she fell right to sleep (she couldn’t really sleep all day). The doctor came in and wanted to do a chest and belly X-ray and a iv. We really did not want to do an iv unless it was extremely necessary... I mean who wants to put their baby through pain. So we asked if we could try to give her some pedialite with a syringe cuz she has a very sensitive gag reflux she always has she even gags on my nipple while breastfeeding or her hands in her mouth. We were able to get her to take about 6 ml before she started to get very frustrated and mad. Her xrays cane back and they said she has bronchitis but baby form. The doctor wanted to try to give her a bottle of pedialite so I told her she could try but knew she wouldn’t take it.. I had just breastfed her before she came in snd she kept trying to shove the bottle nipple in jer mouth and she ended up puking all the milk she just drank. At that point they strongly encouraged the iv we agreed but were kind of reluctant. They then informed us we were being admitted for observation over night to make sure she was staying hydrated. She did good through the night with some suctioning from the nurses and a little bit of fluids. When her team of doctors cane in the morning they weren’t even concerned about her symptoms anymore they just kept bringing up how little she is and we’re asking about her eating and her weight history. She’s now 10 weeks old and weights 9 pounds. Her head is small as well in the 1st percentile. She nurses every 2/3 hours during the day and goes 4/5 stretches at night between 10pm and 7am. Every check up we’ve been to she has grown it may not be much but she’s grown. Not to mention my other two kids are the exact same way very small too. It’s just normal to us.

He is 8 and she is 3! Both little. Well the wee telling us at this point of their rounds that we would probably not be going home that day... not because of her cold symptoms but because she’s underweight. The told me I needed to wake her to feed her at least every 3 hours. They started to monitor her wet diapers and started asking how often snd long she was nursing for. We did pre and post weight checks to see how much she is intaking. Visits from the lactation consultant and nutrition team. At that one weight we did she ate almost 2 ounces and when she was done she pulled away and would not latch back on and let out a good burp. The staff didn’t seem to like how little she took in. At this point I was so frustrated cuz what am I supposed to do force her to take more even when she is satisfied! 😤 they made we wake her every 3 hours to nurse not to mention every hour between that she was being woken up to take vitals it was terrible she doesn’t like to be woken up at night. So nobody slept at all. They weighed her this morning and said she gained a little weight and we could go home. Now we are doing weekly weight checks and they want me to continue to wake her at night. I’m so back and forth with it all! Oh

She wouldn’t sleep in the crib only the mamaroo!

My poor baby girl all hooked up.

The morning we went home!

Anyways... is anyone elses littles really small head wise/ weight wise?!

I guess I don’t understand whats the big deal if she’s satisfied after feeds and she is gaining weight just slowly! I mean every baby is different right!