How to talk without bruising ego.

I’ve been with my bf for almost 8 years, I love him so much but our sex life is 90% boring. (I say 90% because it is some of those drunk sex nights) He doesn’t try foreplay he basically asks me sometime during the day if we can do it later that night. Then when night comes he kisses me not even a minute and is already pulling off my pants. How is a girl supposed to even get wet? I want that freaky, don’t put it in until I’m begging for it type is sex. He’s not a freaky type of person at all (he gives me weird looks even during sex scenes in movies)

How do I even begin by talking to this man? I don’t want to bruise his ego and I don’t want him thinking I’m a weirdo for what I like. But a girl needs something more.

Ps. We’re adults he’s 30 & I’m 26