Has this happened to any of you. It’s a long read! ⚠️

Let me give you a little bit of information before I jump into it. 4 years ago I was put on birth control and my periods stopped and haven’t had them since (so I don’t remember any of this dark brown stuff.) Last year May 10, 2018 I took my self off of birth control I had the depo then switched to nexplanon due to a lot of weight gain, anyways since May I still haven’t had a period and I finally went to see a gynecologist October 2nd I’ve been on different kind of pills and finally in the end of December I was put on medroxyprogesterone to make me hopefully have a period. Well, he said I should start by New Years, but I didn’t I just had dull cramps since New Years. So then the next part after this will explain what I’m asking!

So Friday I realized I had some medium brown color blood every time I wiped which lasted all day that day. Then it hit night time it kind of wasn’t there like it was during the day. Well Saturday I wake up I wipe and it was a really dark brown blood color and it lasted throughout the whole day. I did go to the bathroom one time and wiped and had a red/pink kind of darker color. Then it went back to being a darker brown again and I went to the bathroom again a few hours later and I didn’t have the dark brown it was a deep red blood color maybe a tinge of the dark brown. So Sunday (today) rolls around and I still have the dark brown but this time it had some spotting of red/ pink blood. That was this morning. Now I’m going back to only having the darker brown blood. Before anyone says anything I do have a doctors appointment Tuesday to have a follow up to see if I got my period. Could this technically be my “period” it’s just dark because I haven’t had a period for a long time and it’s finally relieving itself?