Splitting up the family..

When she was Just a lil kitten, we found Bella in a tree. She was meowing and crying as the snow blew around her. My dad and sister took her down and inside, where we kept her. Nobody ended up claiming her.

Fast forward, one night Bella was crawling all over my bed and annoying the crap out of me. I picked her up and placed her outside the door.. and out popped a kitten! I was so shocked that on came the light and a few calls for my mom..

a few hours later, her kittens were born. Only two made it: Max and Annie.

Fast forward a few years.. both are about 9-10 years old. All cats have lived in the same house for their entire lives. My mom decided she doesn’t want Annie anymore and is making my sister take her, as shes moved out, despite offers to help her take care of the litter and all that.

My mom also threatened to take Bella to the pound, so somehow I’m going to have to take her even though my apartment doesn’t allow cats non declawed.. I don’t know how its going to work.

The reason is total BS.. my uncle is coming to live with her and taking his cat. Apparently she and him can’t handle 4 cats, so she has to get rid of 2, even if we came to help..

Also noting that we’ve had 4 cats before, mom hates Annie for some reason, and my grandma is allergic to cats so apparently having 2 is fine, and her reasoning was basically because of my grandma maybe coming to visit sometimes.. but the problem is mom told me before grandma has to take care of grandpa, so like she can’t come often. She changed her reasons and said it’s because of the cats now, and somehow she’ll be fine with the 2 cats?

It’s total unfairness and I’ve been crying the last hour because my sister just took poor Annie away from the only home she’s ever known..